“Garden” is a solid representation of the current disposition of Australian music act, Anna Leeworthy.
Artistes are creatives, capable of creating moments of magic i.e music. The songs they create can be therapeutic, detailing their present situation or struggles. For Australian music act, Anna Leeworthy, her latest release, “Garden” reflects the present state of her career, and her life at large.
The musician has certainly had her share of career highlights; with her debut single landing on multiple Editorial Playlists across the digital streaming platforms, as well as supporting renowned music acts, such as Macklemore, Tones & I and Peking Duk, while on tour. As a singer and songwriter, she’s quite omnifarious when it comes to her musical style, opting to experiment with the various genres she comes across.
Written in an Airbnb in Melbourne, “Garden” is a quick reminder that we’re all a work in progress, and there’s still more than enough time to grow and develop into the people we hope to be. The song was penned down a long while ago, but after going through the most emotional turmoil she has really ever experienced, Anna decided this was the perfect time to release it.

“Garden” delves into the many insecurities one might feel or that may unfold in a long-term relationship. Another beautiful aspect of this track is that it can also be seen as an exploration of oneself, in an attempt to better their character.
With the sound of birds chirping, the song boasts one of the most placid intros you’ll ever hear, a perfected sneak peek into the aura of the entire composition. Acoustic guitar strums ring out, setting the tone, before Anna’s heavenly vocals come in. Her delivery ends up being a major highlight of the track, as she showcases her impeccable vocal ability, with unrelenting and masterful control.

Lyrics such as, “You think I never listen, but I’ll listen, when there’s truth, so I’ll sit, on the edge of every word that you’re saying,” shed a light on the relationship-related themes of the song, citing a lack of trust, held together by enduring and unyielding patience. At this point, the smooth melody kicks in, fitting the track as a Pop/R&B ballad.
Anna takes a long look at herself with deep and introspective lines, “I got a little way to go, little bit to grow, but that’s on me.” She continues to scrutinize in the chorus, “If we are a garden, and I’ll reap, what I sow, Please be patient, as I grow.” A vital section of the entire piece comes up, as she begins the second verse with the phrase, “I’m just scared that I’m losing, who I am in this world.” With this aspect of the song, there is a significant shift from the relationship-based focus to a more personal one, as Anna struggles to understand her role in life.

Despite the uncertainty, at the conclusion of the track she realizes there’s a lot of growing for her to do. A long and arduous journey lays ahead of the singer, but it’s one which will definitely see her coming out as a better human and a better partner. Beautifully composed and well-written, “Garden” is a rare gem. We honestly don’t have a negative thing to say about this song, and we don’t think you will as well. It’s pure perfection.
We had a quick chat with Anna about the inspiration behind “Garden,” and what the future holds for the singer. Watch it all below!
Link to Listen: https://bit.ly/49RALbc
Follow Anna Leeworthy on IG: @annaleeworthy
Love Anna love Garden. Fantastic interview
Thank you so much! Keep supporting her music