“Circles” is an electronic masterpiece from rising artiste Yoe Mase Yoe Mase is an electronic/indie pop singer based in New York, America. “Circles” is taken from his album called “Soldier”…
Lauv keeps building on his imminent stardom with “Chasing Fire” “Chasing Fire” is about fighting for something that’s already over. It’s the beginning of the end. It’s desperation. It’s grand,…
Talos shares sentimental new track “See Me” Known for his sweltering, reverb-laden songs and falsetto vocals, Talos is an indie-pop musician from Ireland. The song, “See Me” which is about…
“Everything or Nothing” is a well-crafted piece from the Irish pop-rock act Picture This is a four-man alternative-rock band from Ireland. They are like the “poppier version” of Kodaline, another…
Yuna carries us off into another realm on blissful composition “Loud Noises” Honestly, I’ve never been a massive fan of R&B, but artistes like Yuna are changing that mindset. With…
Maisie Peters showcases her gift as a storyteller on “Details” In an era with dozens of solid pop songs arriving every week, it takes a special artiste to make a…
“Promises” is a step in the right direction for indie/alternative artiste Handsome Ghost The song on review today, “Promises” proves that Handsome Ghost is becoming stronger as an artiste. The…
Jake Miller aims to sort out a struggling love affair on “Overnight” Jake Miller is an American singer-songwriter, rapper and model. Success hasn’t yet happened for him and it’s safe…
“Scar” is one of Foxes’ best works to date On “Scar,” Foxes delivers a distinctively delicate piano-accompanied single. It’s a vulnerable track in which her urgent vocals are emotionally honest…
The Vamps slow things down on rousing soft tune “Stolen Moments” These boys are slowly captivating music fans all over the globe and having released such a treasure of a…